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January Classes

Adult Manners-Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Puppy Manners-Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm

Adult Manners-Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 1:00 pm
Puppy Manners-Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 2:30 pm
Puppy class is for under six months old.
Adult class is for six months and over.
Manners classes offered every 8 weeks (January through October)
Manners classes meet once a week for six weeks.
Cost is $100 ($75 for dogs adopted from New Castle Shelter).
Class size is limited to 5 dogs.
Please be considerate of others and
only sign up if you plan to attend
and can commit to six weeks of classes!

Once you submit, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Please read all information contained in this email.


If you do not receive an email within 24 hours, please check your Spam filter. If you still have not received the email, please contact us at

Group classes are on hold through the holidays and
will resume in January, 2024.

Throughout November and December we will offer
one-on-one consults if you have any issues 
you would like to work on before classes start.

Consults are $25 for one hour (free if adopted from New Castle Shelter)
and the $25 will go towards the cost of group classes if you sign up
within one year of the consult.

November and December only, we will also accept a donation of
dog or puppy food as payment. Minimum of 10 pounds.
Note: food donation will not be counted towards the cost
of future group classes.

If you would like to schedule a consult,
please email us at:
Classes are currently underway.
Our next session will begin in January.

If you would like to schedule a consult before then,
please email us at:


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Adopted from New Castle Shelter?
What session would you like?
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